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SpyZooka Review

Spyware Removal Ability
Ease of Use
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When it comes to the world of spyware programs, it seems that the nastier the program gets, the more often our computers get infected with them. Even the simple act of downloading music or installing something that seems harmless, such as a screensaver, can cause these programs to come in by the hundreds. Although you certainly do have a lot of different choices out there to clean your computer from these programs, SpyZooka seems to be one that is popular among many individuals who deal with them regularly. What did we discover when we tested it for ourselves?

Actual User Feedback:

"SpyZooka has all the features I look for in antispyware software"
Actual User Comment from squidoo.com

"SpyZooka doesn’t generate false positives"
Actual User Comment from 2-spyware.com

"I was able to kill off spywareguard2008 and safeguard2009"
Actual User Comment from download.com

"SpyZooka is recommended by computer experts worldwide"
Actual User Comment from Yahoo Answers


What it Claims to Do:

The SpyZooka website makes some familiar claims and the simplicity of it really impressed us. Many of the spyware programs, although they seem to work well tend to have "in-your-face" websites that may be a little over the top. We didn't find this to be the case with this program.

One of the interesting things that the website lets you know about is the fact that they have been updating their software on a continual basis since 2004 and scanning thousands of webpages every day in order to look for new threats. Since the program is updated regularly and it does so automatically, you stand the best chance of being protected from the problems that you might run into.

What it Actually Does:

We downloaded the free SpyZooka scanner and let it take a look at our test computer. Since we had already added multiple ad ware and spyware programs onto the computer, we knew that it had quite a task ahead of itself. After the initial scan, which did not use up too many system resources, it gave us a comprehensive list of everything that was wrong on the computer.

We allowed SpyZooka to cleanse the computer and then did a restart in order to find out what had happened. One of the first things that we noticed is the fact that Windows started much faster because it did not have to load as many of these rogue programs in the background. All of the pop-up windows which occurred as soon as we log onto the Internet were gone and successive scans of the computer did not turn up any additional problems.


If you are having problems with spyware on your computer that is either causing pop-ups or slowing you down to a crawl, SpyZooka can help you. Not only was unable to get rid of the spyware on her computer, but it was also able to clean all of the programs that are typically only able to be removed through a manual process. If you enjoy having a fast computer, SpyZooka can help you to achieve this and killed it running smoothly for the long term.

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